Who was Vasco Sanz ?

Vasco SANZ, Date of birth 30 December 1986. Swiss, single.


  • 2008 : Beginning of Master degree at Faculty of Neurosciences/Geneva, with professor Thierry PUN.

  • 2005-2008 : Faculty of Informatics, Swiss Fédéral Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
    Switzerland.Obtention of Bachelor of Science degree

  • 2005-2007 : Optional course in cognitiv psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
    University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerfand (Professer F. Mast)

  • 2006-2007 : Research project on “Effect of caffeine on attention span: a placebo-controlled study”.

  • 1998-2005 : Upper secondary school (Collège de Saussure), Geneva, Switzerland. Obtention of final high school exam (Maturité fédérale) in physics and mathematical applications.
    Thesis “Can the Laplacian determinism be considered as still applicable today?”, mention “summa cum laude”.

Work experience

  • 2003-2007 : Junior collaborator in informatics, Infection Control Program, University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland (Professor Didier Pittet)

  • 2003–2005 : Contributed to several major projects (WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety First Global Patient Safety Challenge and the series of Swiss Nosocomial Infection Prevalence Studies powered by SwissNOSO) • development of applications for PDAs and TeleForm (automation of large-scale scanning procedures).

  • 2006-2008 : Collaboration in a research project funded by the Swiss National Research
    Foundation with the objective to develop new monrtoring techniques for compliance with hand hygiene practices among healthcare workers induding: autonomous management of several subprojects, notably the development of computer applications in C++ and Java, PDA applications in Java, programs for system’s control in C, and participation in the creation and update of complex and voluminous and databases.Development of prototypes for control systems which imply the management of autonomy, “real time” and interface constraints as well as those linked to the ergonomic aspects for the healthcare workers.

Other activities

  • Musique et danse : Guitar, composition and dance.

  • Architectur & design : Certificate first modul from Ecole de Design& Architecture « Athenaeum » de Lausanne.

  • Sport : Sailing, athletism, snowboard, surf, dance.

  • Entomology : At the age of 10 years old : creation of an entomology junior club, CIC (club d’insecte de Cartigny), exhibitions, newspaper, breeding.

  • Society : active participation in » Jeunesse de Cartigny, » organization of concerts, partys, etc…

  • Aeronautic : pilote licenciated..

    On 2008, November the 8th Vasco SANZ, died a planecrash, at the age of 22.